Lisp Machine - meaning and definition. What is Lisp Machine
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What (who) is Lisp Machine - definition

Lisp machine         
  • Symbolics 3620 (left) and LMI Lambda Lisp machines
  • Symbolics 3640 Lisp machine
Lisp Machine; LISP machine; LISP machines; Lisp machines; MIT CADR; LispM; CADR (computing system); Xerox Dolphin; Xerox Dandelion; Xerox Dandetiger; D machine
Lisp machines are general-purpose computers designed to efficiently run Lisp as their main software and programming language, usually via hardware support. They are an example of a high-level language computer architecture, and in a sense, they were the first commercial single-user workstations.
Lisp Machine         
  • Symbolics 3620 (left) and LMI Lambda Lisp machines
  • Symbolics 3640 Lisp machine
Lisp Machine; LISP machine; LISP machines; Lisp machines; MIT CADR; LispM; CADR (computing system); Xerox Dolphin; Xerox Dandelion; Xerox Dandetiger; D machine
1. <architecture> Any machine (whether notional or actual) whose instruction set is Lisp. 2. <hardware, operating system> A line of workstations made by Symbolics, Inc. from the mid-1970s (having grown out of the MIT AI Lab) to late 1980s. All system code for Symbolics Lisp Machines was written in Lisp Machine Lisp. Symbolics Lisp Machines were also notable for having had space-cadet keyboards. [More details and historical background?] {Lisp Machinemoeller/symbolics-info/symbolics.html">Lisp Machine Museum ( Machinemoeller/symbolics-info/symbolics.html)}. (2003-07-03)
LISP Machine LISP         
ZetaLisp; Zetalisp; Lisp-machine lisp; Lisp-machine Lisp
<language> An extension of Maclisp, now called Zetalisp. (1998-12-13)
Pronunciation examples for Lisp Machine
1. lisp machines. And so, he took a look at that.
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
2. on workstations. They had lisp machines and the Smalltalk,
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
3. graphics code on the lisp machines and writing screensavers, which eventually landed him
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
4. and Lisp machines, they were going to take over the world.
Humans Need Not Apply _ Jerry Kaplan _ Talks at Google
5. So he was there working on these lisp machines and so he basically said he ended up reading
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google